High praise indeed.
Guy Bernacchi, President & CEO (Retired), BEST TRAVEL & TOURS, INC.
“I cannot thank you enough for all you did to make the sale of Best Travel & Tours Inc. possible. The services you provided, from your initial valuation to the final closing, were invaluable. You told us the lowest price we should accept, but said you would work to get us considerably more…that you did, Bob….several million more!”
Craig Howard, President, CHAMBER DISCOVERIES
“When the time comes to sell an agency, it can be one of the most difficult decisions an owner can face. Finding the right person to work with during transition might be the most important business decision an owner can make…and you are the right guy for the job! Never once did you pressure me. You answered all my questions, and maintained complete confidentiality. You brought qualified buyers to the table and made the change so much easier than I ever thought possible.”
Christina Casas, Founder, EXCEPTIONAL STAYS, INC.
“When you first approached me, I could instantly feel that this was the right fit. You listened to what was important to me and introduced me to a very qualified buyer. I would be happy to explain in detail my experience to any potential clients, and very strongly recommend you. Thank you, Bob, for helping me get to the finish line.”