Current industry trends demand the need to grow or go. If your business plans call for growth, we can help.
Our service opens up many doors of opportunity through our extensive database, telephone calls, trade press local advertising, the internet, as well as 20 years of deep rooted personal relationships with the owners. Our referral services include professional appraisals, ARC applications, GDS negotiations, travel agency accounting, strategic planning consulting, and personnel placement, as well as access to the nation’s top travel attorneys.
Before completing and submitting the Registration form, please read our Non-Disclosure Agreement below.
In connection with your possible merger or acquisition discussions and negotiations, you hereby agree to keep confidential all information provided to you by Innovative Travel Acquisitions, Inc. and the selling company. Such information may include employees, clients, supplier agreements, technology agreements, business plans and finances. In consideration of receiving this information you agree as follows:
Discretion will be very important. You will not disclose to any third party that the selling company may be for sale. The likelihood of severe damages is high if you speak to anyone not directly connected to this possible purchase. Innovative Travel Acquisitions, Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of this information and you will do your own due diligence before signing any formal agreement. You will not duplicate any unique methods of forms used by Seller. If you do not wish to move forward, you will promptly return any information that was provided.
This information shall never be used in any way that might affect selling company’s business relationship with its employees, outside salespeople or independent contractors. You understand such activity will cause damages including loss of business and/or create injury in employee-employer relationships, and when such damage does occur, the selling company will be entitled to prosecute you for damages in court. If you do not purchase the selling company, you will not solicit to hire any employee of selling company. You will not solicit any of the selling company’s clients or assist any other travel company to do so, directly or indirectly.
You agree that you are seriously considering purchasing a travel company that fits the general description of the business type you select. This agreement shall continue in effect until two years after the termination of any business relationship between you and the selling company. If the seller files a claim against Innovative Travel Acquisitions, Inc. as a result of your indiscretion with the confidential information, you will be responsible for all of Innovative Travel Acquisition Inc.’s costs defending such claim.
You further agree to CC: the acquisition consultant that has introduced you to the seller on all correspondence e-mails as well as updates on all phone communications between yourself and the seller.